Wednesday, July 10, 2019

My Mom and I really enjoyed exploring a little bit of Dubrovnik before heading back home. We took a load off at our hotel pool for a few hours and were both enchanted by Old Town, the fortressed ancient city here. The Adriatic Sea and the imposing mountains as its back drop take your breath away. What a gorgeous part of the world! The people here have been very friendly, too.

Here are a few fun pictures we took:

As we head home and I reflect upon all that we’ve seen and done, I am truly grateful for these days.

To tell you the truth, I surprise even myself with the fact that I’ve come to love pilgrimages–definitely not something I would have ever predicted.

But I do!

For sure, one does not need to run off to a distant, tiny village in the middle of Bosnia to find God. But for me, there is a longing to get as close as possible to The Source. It’s obvious, of course, that I could light a candle in my bedroom and pray. Or hop in my car and be at my local parish in about seven minutes flat–and there He is.

So why, then, do I go? Why do I trek so far, to sleep so little, to sweat my brains out, to wake up at 4am in a obscure-ish foreign country and climb a mountain with the most ridiculous rocks? Why do I desire to spend seven days straight largely on my knees (and talk my almost-80-year- old Mom into joining me!)?

Well, I think it’s because I’m a very needy person.

Looking back on my life, I may have wrongly placed my needs onto others–expecting them to satisfy me, make me happy, fulfilled, complete.

But I’ve changed. God told me, in no uncertain terms, who it was I needed–who I had been overlooking in my big old busy life.

Maybe making a pilgrimage isn’t necessary… but it is definitely a gift for a needy type such as myself. It’s a chance to fill my senses entirely with the fragrance of God. A moment to be quiet and hear His tender voice tell me how much He wants me near to His heart and loves me. It’s a time to recommit to being willing and ready to go the distance for Him, because I understand that there is no place He won’t go for me.

It’s a chance to pray, to seek, to feel, to hear, to smell, to let go, to mend, to receive, to love.

It’s a time for peace. It’s a time to reconnect and renew.

So who’s up for the next one?

I’d like to thank Ivanka for being such a lovely tour guide! You were kind and gracious with your time, knowledge and personal experiences in Medjugorge. Thank you for sharing so many beautiful reflections with us and meticulously translating all of Ivan’s messages!

Ivan and Loreen, thank you for sharing your home with us. You were so welcoming from the moment we pulled in until the minute we said goodbye. Your hospitality will always be remembered! Ivan, you are a light in the darkness. Thank you for your brave witness to Our Lady and Her Son. Your dedication reveals the truth. Your courage gives us strength. And you profound faith gives us hope.

You are such a softie, too! It’s no surprise that most of your guests return time and time again. You made us feel like part of the family–part of the miracle. And for this, we are forever grateful.

Thank you also to Father Desi and Father Joe for your companionship, spiritual guidance and the Masses you so beautifully lead. You are kind and holy men. Thank you for all you do to make this world a better place.

To my fellow pilgrims, especially Karla, Pat, Rina and Tony, thank you for your welcoming spirit and warm camaraderie. Your faith is my inspiration.

Thank you, Mom! You rock. I don’t know many (any?) Moms at your (young) age that would make such an adventurous journey–and you didn’t miss a beat! You are my blessing, my role model, and I love you. I will cherish our time together!

And thank you, Blessed Mother. I’ll never forget the day I figured out who helped me find my way… You are our Ark, our Bridge, our Advocate, our Amazing Grace. You are tireless in your mission–you will never give up on your children.

May we some day soon heed your words entirely, and make you proud.

Until next time,

Love and prayers,




One thought on “Wednesday, July 10, 2019

  1. Pictures so beautiful…people so inspirational. Thank you for sharing your experiences and new wisdom. xoxo


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