Sunday, July 7, 2019

We woke up this morning and our group immediately took a walk to the Blue Cross for a short prayer service. I noticed it was a little cooler… maybe it will be a brisk 90 degrees today!

After the prayer service, we had our own private Mass in Ivan’s chapel. Father Desi and Father Joe presided over the lovely service.

The Gospel today tells the story of how Jesus sent his apostles out as “lambs among the wolves.”

That sounds a little mean. But as Father Joe explained, Jesus wanted the apostles to depend on Him, to trust Him. To understand that there are some things only God can provide.

Father talked about the three stages of our Moral development. Dependence, independence, and lastly interdependence. This is where we depend on each other and on God.

God’s providence means that He will provide. When we do God’s will, we have to believe that God will give us what we need. It may not be what we want. But God knows what we need.

We don’t really “have it all” until we realize that we need others, and that weneed God.

Our Lady will also guide us and provide. She is filled with wisdom–The wisdom and care of a Mother. She is especially concerned about what we need to do to change our lives for the better. If we trust her and depend on Her, she will nurse us with Her tenderness and love.

Following the Mass, Father Desi and Father Joe invited the married couples to renew their vows.

Thanks, Father Joe and Father Desi! We have been so blessed to have you with us this week.

We had some free time today to relax and start to pack our things. Late in the afternoon, Ivan’s wife, Lorraine was nice enough to give us some time to tell us the story of how she met, and married, a visionary.

Here is a paraphrased version of her story:

I first came to Medjugorge in 1989. My cousins and aunt were going l, and asked me to come too. I wasn’t very devout in my faith, although I went to Catholic school.

When we arrived , we stayed with a host family. When I first prayed the Hail Mary here with my cousins, I was embarrassed and uncomfortable.

We went to Mass the first day. The Sign of peace, the singing, it felt so different.

After Mass, we climbed the wall at Viska’s house to hear her speak.

My cousin asked Viska a questions, “where are the apparitions taking place?”

She dodged the answer.

Then we walked towards Ivan’s house. We saw him standing under a tree talking. I felt like I knew him. But why?

I asked for a picture with him.

(Later that night, I wrote in my journal that I felt I had a strange connection with him.)

That evening we went to St. James to say the rosary and we were there for three hours. That was too much! The next night we went shopping instead. I felt like we should go to the church.

My aunt said, “ok let’s go.”

On the way, there was a building that looked abandoned. I felt a pull towards the building. We went to the back of it, and there was a parking lot. We began to pray a Hail Mary and I felt Mary was present. I knew She was there. I felt peace and indescribable love. And then it lifted.

My cousin David said, “what was that?”

At that moment, we looked up, and Ivan was upstairs in the window of the building we were behind. Later, we found out that was the moment of the apparition. (The building turned out to be the rectory where the visionaries, at that time, were having their apparitions).

At that moment, everything changed. I was on a cloud. Others in my group had special things happen as well.

The next day, my cousin wanted to meet Ivan. We were on road the where Ivan lives and some goats were chasing us. Ivan came down and shook our hands. My cousin asked him for a glass of water. Ivan got one and we sat and had the water. My cousin started playing basketball with Ivan. Then, he invited us to be present at the apparition. That that night we went, but Father Slavko said we could not come in.

Back home in Boston, I was currently in a beauty pageant competition. I was so transformed inside by the experience in the parking lot that I promised Mary that if I won, I would spread the message of Our Lady.

The following month, I won the pageant. I sent letters to all the catholic schools asking to speak to the young people, but got no replies. How would I keep my promise?

I became disenchanted with modeling. I was offered a job in youth ministry at my parish.

My cousin was discerning to become a Franciscan priest and he was near the parish where I was now working.

The priests in his seminary connected me with speaking engagements that focused on Medgujorje. I met many Franciscan priests through the parish job.

In 1991, I spoke in a conference in MA and Ivan was also speaking there. I saw Ivan once again. He came to me and said, “oh I found you.” From then on, we spoke at many conferences together. In 1994 we were married.

Thanks you, Lorraine. You are such a genuine, down to earth person. We loved that you were willing to share with us!

We had a hearty dinner and then headed back into the chapel to say the rosary and prepare the way for Ivan’s apparition.

This is what he shared with us:

Our lady was very joyful and happy. She greeted us all “Praise be to be Jesus, my dear children”. Then She prayed over all of us here. And I recommended prayers for all of you.

She prayed for all of you here who are sick.

She prayed for the Holy Father.

She blessed the religious articles here.

There was also a private conversation between Our Lady and me.

Then I recommended prayers for all of you intensions.

How much time do we spend with our lady? We should should try and spend more time in prayer with Her.

Then, she left in the light of the sign of the cross with the words “go in peace my children.”

Beautiful, Ivan.

To conclude our evening, we had a chance to share our reflections of this amazing week with each other.

Ivan started by saying:

We all come for the needs of others, and for our own intensions. I hope you had a chance to tell Our Lady everything.

Maybe this heat has melted your heart.

How did you find these seven days in Medjugorge?

Father Desi:I feel so very grateful to our Blessed Mother. I had stopped saying the rosary for a long time due to the nature of my work. Late nights have made me tired and I was skipping it. Now I’ve resumed. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. It’s a renewal of my priesthood.

I had challenges getting here. By the Grace of God I made it, and I’d like to come back next year.

Brian: You have been wonderful, compassionate people. It was wonderful. This was my 5th trip here. My first in 1995 was with my wife. We renewed our vows. The second trip I came with my father. Then, in 2002 with my mom and sister. It was wonderful. They loved it. The next trip I came with my son, last year. He was very impressed. This was my 5th trip. I’ve been deaf since birth, we don’t know the cause. My mother was not sick. We don’t know why. When I grew up I was frustrated with my suffering. I asked God, “why me?” I’ve been carrying that suffering. We need to be healed. I’m not seeking healing of my deafness. But I am offering up my suffering for others and for my past sins. I realized without compassion, there is not love. So I have to show you my disability so that you become more compassionate and merciful.

Be merciful as the Heavenly Father is merciful. Be compassionate. I need to be compassionate and merciful as the Heavenly Father is. Because life on earth is short. Or, maybe we will all be here for the the second coming!


I heard so many beautiful stories from my sister. My heart is open and I’ve met so many beautiful friends.

I had no expectations. But I knew some things would happen. I knew I’d meet some good people. I knew that Ivan would welcome us. And I knew the whole experience would draw me closer to the Blessed Mother and my wife.

Those things did happen!


I also did not know what to expect. This was nothing like what I thought. It was beyond my expectation. I almost didn’t make it here. I had a medical issue and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to come. But I made it, thank God.

Many things have happened to me, but one thing that happened to me, that I never shared with anyone in my life, I finally shared with a priest here. He asked me if I had forgiven the the offender and I said that I had. I had to, in order to say “I love you Jesus.”

Those boys in Cenacola, their honest vulnerability, inspired me and gave me courage to relieve myself of carrying this burden alone.

Thank you Ivan, for not giving up on Our Lady.

I choose to believe that Mary comes here everyday. I pray that you will continue to believe and fight for our faith.


Thank you to everyone who shared, including you Mom!

I didn’t think I wanted or needed to come back to Medjugorge, but when my daughter invited me to come with her, I thought, yes, I do want to return. But how? There were several obstacles that seemed too hard to overcome. But everything fell into place.

It was wonderful to be back here with my daughter!


Ivan concluded our evening by saying:

I will pray for all of you and I will recommend you to Our Lady. Never feel lonely—she is always with us. When things become difficult. Come and sit in her lap. Find security and comfort in her embrace.

Mom and me with Ivan

What a week.

Tomorrow we pack it up and head to Dubrovnik. I will add some more pictures and my own reflections from the week in my next post.

Good night,

and love and prayers,


The chapel

One thought on “Sunday, July 7, 2019

  1. Thank you for sharing, a lot to read again, from the last two days. Wow, Mom hiked up all of those rocks?!? She deserves a big rock star hug from me, please. Safe travels. Love you.


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